
Dr. YUAN Zhaoming


Tel: +86-17601058629, +852-52245862


  • 2015-2019 Beijing Normal University, BSc (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)
  • 2020-2024 Southern University of Science and Technology, PhD
  • 2020-2024 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PhD


  • 2019 Teacher’s Certificate of high school Mathematics, Mainland China

Research Interest

Numerical PDEs

Teaching Experience

  • 2018 Mathematics in high school, No.3 Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学第三附属中学), full time (in Chinese)
  • 2021 Spring & Fall, TA, Tutorial, AMA1110/AMA1120 (Calculus, linear algebra, probability), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (in English)
  • 2023 Spring, TA, MA325 Numerical PDEs, Southern University of Science and Technology (in Chinese)
  • 2023 Fall TA, Tutorial Lecture, Calculus I, Southern University of Science and Technology (in English)


  • Yang, Jiang, Zhaoming Yuan, and Zhi Zhou. “Arbitrarily High-order Maximum Bound Preserving Schemes with Cut-off Postprocessing for Allen-Cahn Equations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.13271 (2021).
  • Yang, J., Yuan, Z. & Zhou, Z. Arbitrarily High-Order Maximum Bound Preserving Schemes with Cut-off Postprocessing for Allen–Cahn Equations. J Sci Comput 90, 76 (2022).
  • Yang, Jiang, Zhaoming Yuan, and Zhi Zhou. “Robust Convergence of Parareal Algorithms with Arbitrarily High-order Fine Propagators.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05203 (2021).
  • Yang, J., Yuan, Z. & Zhou, Z. Robust Convergence of Parareal Algorithms with Arbitrarily High-Order Fine Propagators. CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math. DOI: 10.4208/csiam-am.SO-2022-0025
  • Stokes-Darcy (preprint)